Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2008 Singapore Teacher Training Courses

*2008 courses in Singapore chronological orders*
Make sure you understand what it takes to be a Pilates Instructor.

Stott Pilates - Continuing Education Workshops
Options Pilates Studio is hosting some continuing education workshop for pilates practicioners on 29-30th March 2008. I think the topics are interesting and useful to help expand your knowledge to train your clients. Topics include:
  • Athletic Conditioning on Reformer
  • Athletic Conditioning on Stability Chair
  • Athletic Conditioning on on the Edge
  • Pre-natal Pilates on Stability Ball and Flex-band
  • Essential breast cancer rehab on equipment
Another round of continuing education workshops on 31 May 2008 (Sat):
Check out their website and call the studio up for more information :) happy learning!

Polestar Pilates Principle for Fitness
Polestar Pilates Certifications are designed to successfully bring you to a level of mastery, preparing you to become a competent Pilates Practitioner in the training method of your choice (Studio, Mat, Allegro and Rehabilitation). Polestar's competency exams measure your ability to justify your exercise selections or treatment plan.

Sky Pilates will be hosting Pilates Principle For Fitness (P-F) on 16-17 May 2008. Call 6100 7597 or sign up here.

Polestar Principle - Rehabilitation Programme
Polestar Rehabilitation Programme is designed for registered rehabilitation professionals. It provides participants with in-depth instruction in Pilates rehabilitation principles, techniques and practice. These principles and techniques are applicable to all neuro musculosketetal dysfunctions, including specialties such as sports and dance medicine, and treatment for chronic pain. The Rehab principle course is happening on 22-25 June @ Sky Pilates. You will need to sign up and pay a deposit of US$500 by 22 June 2008.

Stott Pilates - Certification Courses (Jun & Jul)

  • Intensive Mat Plus (June 9th to 20th with a weekend break, 1pm - 5pm)
  • Intensive Reformer (June 23rd to July 4th with a weekend break, 1pm - 6pm)
  • Intensive Chair Cadillac and Barrel (Provisionally running July 21st to August 1st with a weekend break, 1pm - 6pm)
Physical Mind Institute - Initiation 101 (Mat Certification)
  • Initiation 101 (Mat Certification): June 20th to 22nd, 2008 (Fri 6pm – 9pm, Sat & Sun 1pm – 7pm)
  • Concentration 101 (Equipment Certification): 7th Sep to 9th Nov, 2008 (every Sat 1-5pm)
  • For more info, visit VF studio website for more details.

Ron Fletcher Program of Study - Program Overview
An overview of the Fletcher Pilates™ syllabus – from a student’s point of view. It encourages experiencing and understanding each piece of movement before learning how to teach it. Structured as a 30-hour program, taught in ten 3-hour sessions, this Program Overview provides the most efficient and affordable means of reviewing the beginning/intermediate Fletcher Pilates™ syllabus.

iPilates Studio will be conducting two Program Overviews in 2008.
Program I: June 14 – Aug 23
Program II: Aug 17 – Oct 25

For more information call (65) 6838 1234 or email:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Live Long and healthy laugh a million times

From Panda PingPong:

"...i sneaked home to catch another episode of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ during lunch and from that episode, realised that a relationship is about spending time with each other, doing random chores, visiting bizarre places, have a million laughs, taking care of each other’s odd colds, and like an annoyingly cute puppy, asks for nothing more than a cuddle and company."

So true.

I am so determined to stay healthy and long-lived to enjoy that million laughs.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Repetitive Stress Injury. I can never emphasize this enough, doing the same thing over and over again can be hazardous to your life. Mouse users beware of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Too much tennis, Tennis Elbow. Constant staring at computer screens-- Dry Eye Syndrome. Overdose on cardio exercises without conditioning, you get Runner's knee and all other kind of lower extremity problems.And if you use handphone too much, you get SMS-thumb.

Beside clinching the world's
fastest SMS record, Singapore is again in the world's limelight when a school girl here became one of the first three patients in the world to be diagnosed with SMS-thumb, aka texting tenosynovitis. Repetitively punching on tiny buttons cause friction to the tendon and its covering, leading to inflammation of muscles of the thumb, giving rise to this agonising painful condition.

Like other overuse injury, sms-thumb can be treated and the first step is to stop the offending activity so as to prevent further aggravation, in this case stop sms-ing (or at least use the other thumb!). Medication may be prescribed as a follow-up measure and the patient may be given an injection into the tendon to ease the inflammation pain, along with home stretching and technique analysis and re-training. In severe cases, the tendon may need to be surgically released to relieve symptoms.

This condition is getting so widespread, especially among the young generation, that prompted Singapore Polytechnic to conduct a study to understand more about the physiology of sms-ing. It will measure the force and motion of the thumb and fingers used in SMS. But before any useful data can be used to advise you on which phone model is more "thumb-friendly", choose phones with big round buttons, as it has been observed that small or square buttons tend to strain your thumb more. Plugging in a keyboard to replace the tiny buttons, or switching to PDA phone might help too. Of course cutting down sms-ing not only will cut your cost, but will definitely be good to prevent yourself from getting a sms-thumb too.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Make Your Body Burn More Fat on Its Own!

There are many things in life that doesn't work in the "more-the-merrier" manner, unlike what most people think, dieting and exercise are just two of such examples.

Many overweight people achieved incredible amount of weight loss when they change their lifestyle, that is by eating less and exercise more. But they soon reach a weight-loss planteau, the speed and amount of weight loss start to slow down and even stop. They become so eager to continue losing weight that they stop eating proper meals, and they do cardio exercises like running and biking for few hours, DAILY.

Problem is, what if these people hit another weight-loss plateau? Are they going to increase their exercise duration to 24/7 just to lose extra pounds?! That just doesn't make any logical sense.

What really happen to these people is, as explained by Yahoo Health:
Our bodies are built to survive, so when you exercise for long periods of time (often and consistently) your body thinks it needs to hold on to fat for energy. Doing short (12-15 minute), intense exercise sessions builds strength and burns calories, but not fat, so it “feels safe” using fat stores for energy after exercise.

So if you run everyday for 30 minutes, you are turning your body into a fat-sparing machine. So what is the ideal strategy to keep your body efficient in burning fat and to spare your precious time for social life than to be stuck in endless cardio exercise?

1. Instead of running/biking everyday for 30min, exercise in short, intense bursts (interval training) for effective fat burning after exercise. E.g. Run for 10-15min at 80-85% (depends on your fitness of course ) max heart rate (MHR) instead your normal routine of 30min at 65% MHR

2. Build more lean muscle by increase the amount of resistance/strength/weight training you do. Muscle is ‘metabolically active’ and burns more calories than other body tissue even when you’re not moving. Don't worry, weight training is NOT going to make you look like body builder that easily.

3. Chill on the amount of food you are eating.

Here is a sample five-day/week training schedule for you:

Day 1
Weight training for big muscle groups (Back/Chest/ Legs) and short & very intense cardio training , e.g. 15-minute fast run/walk or fast cycling sprint intervals.

Day 2
Moderately long, moderately intense session (30-45 minutes) of strong walking, cycling, or Pilates

Day 3
60-90 minutes of a moderately paced walk/hike.

Day 4
Short & very intense cardio session, e.g. 15-minute fast run/walk or fast cycling sprint intervals.

Day 5
Weight training for big muscle groups (Back/Chest/ Legs) and moderately long, moderately intense cardio (30-45 minutes)

It would be great if you can add on daily Pilates practice to your training scheule too! But remember, more does not equal to better. Make sure you practice Pilates exercises with control and precision. Repetition is never the emphasis in Pilates.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pilates and Sex - For Men

A reader asked how exactly can Pilates help in sexual sensation (as mentioned in my previous post). She understands that strong pelvic floor muscles can affect the tone of vagina, thus better sexual sensation for the lady. But what about the men? It never even occurs to her that men also have pelvic floor muscles! So, while keeping P-latte NC-16, I will write a little more about Pilates and Sex - for MEN.

Joseph Pilates stated that the five basic principles behind his method of exercise are concentration, control, centering, flow, and breathing. All very good compliments on how to have better sex.

Generally speaking, studies have shown that a key to an improved sex life is a healthy fit body. More specifically, Pilates fitness can show you how to have better sex. Because of the obvious, and not so obvious, body-strengthening benefits of a regular Pilates routine.

First and foremost, strong pelvic floor muscles equal stronger orgasms - for both men and female. Besides, in a study published in the British Journal of General Practice, 40 per cent of the male subjects who were put on Kegel exercise, attained normal erectile function, and another third showed improved performance at the end of study. Grace Dorey, visiting professor at the University of the West of England, Bristol, and lead author of the research, said that the results showed that pelvic floor exercises should be the first treatment for all men with erectile disorders and weak erections. Such exercises could also prevent impotence in men, and even improve the performance of those who do not have problems. “When men are going through a normal sex life, they should be looking to these exercises to extend their sex life. If you are performing reasonably well, this research would suggest that you may be able to improve your performance further,” the professor said. Pilates strengthen pelvic floor, thus enhance sexual performance.

Next, stronger abdominal muscles help to sustain the actions of sex. Stronger core equals stronger movements for a longer period of time. Isn't stronger and longer means better?

Want to try some of those fabulous Kama Sutra poses, but can’t quite get your leg over your head? Pilates improves your flexibility and overall range of movement at the joints.

Looser hips give you greater ease of movement and a freer feeling body. Nice.

In addition, some of the less obvious benefits of Pilates and how to have better sex have to do with oxygen. Pilates requires very deep, sometimes sustained breathing. This oxygenates your blood and sends oxygen to your muscles faster. The increased blood flow that comes from Pilates exercise can also benefit men who are experiencing some erectile difficulties; and increased blood flow in certain areas of man’s body can increase their feeling of strength., according to experts.

Plus, stronger body also allows for better stamina and an overall feeling of well being.

Last but not least, sex is many times more mental than physical. We all know how a little mental concentration can boost your experience. (wink…nod) Pilates exercise utilizes mental imagery to achieve the correct form and feeling to each exercise and the mental strength recruited during a pilates class can also be used in your sexual workout.

So you see, be the master of your mind and body and you will have control in all areas of your life. Pilates will be the way to an improved sex life.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Toes Saver for High-Heel Wearers

High-heels are must-have in a lady's wardrobe. They come in different shapes and styles and they are always in the fashion trend.

Why? Because high-heels can do wonders to enhance a lady's look. They make her look taller, legs appear longer and more slender. And they can also miraculously make buttocks seem firmer and rounder to the eyes.

But wearing high-heels regularly have detrimental effects to the feet, and to other parts of the body too. It may cause foot deformities like bunion and degenerative changes in the knee joints. Since high-heels affect the way a lady stands, it affects her posture and thus might cause problem in the spine too.

But how can any lady give up the sexy heels? Moderation is the key. Choose heels fit properly (though oftern not easy!), wear high-heels on alternate days allows your foot to rest and recover with wearing more comfortable footwear. Of course doing Pilates can help too, it can maintain foot health as many Pilates exercises stress on proper foot/ toes alignment, balancing and strengthening the foot structures.

You can also save your foot (and save yourself from giving up wearing that favourite pair of heels!) by spending just 5 minutes every night doing simple stretches.
I had made a video sometimes ago to demostrate these stretches, but I have yet to figure out how to add on subtitles (can some kind soul pls enlighten me!). So instead I have borrowed a good illustration from a Hong Kong lifestyle magazine, Sudden Weekly, which demostrate the stretches. Please bear with these static images and instructions till some kind soul enlighten me with simple and non-time-consuming video editing:
For those who can't read chinese, here is the translation:

1st Pic on the left: Gently pull the 1st tarsal (aka the big toes) downwards. Hold 30 seconds to lengthen and relax the joint.

2nd Pic on the left: Gently pull the big toes and 2nd toes apart. Hold for 30 seconds to "straighten" the big toe

3rd Pic on the left: Grab a small towel firmly with all the toes, repeat 3 sets of 20 repetitions to strengthen the foot muscles.

1st Pic on the Right: Stretch the big toe up towards your shin. Hold for 30 seconds to lengthen and relax the plantar fascia (fibrous supportive tissue) under the foot

Calf Stretch:
Stand with back foot flat on floor and transfer weight to front foot. Keep your back straight and hold for about 20 seconds for each leg. This will help relax and lengthen the calves muscles.

Remember just 5 minustes a day can help prevent bunion and give you a prettier and healthier feet. It can also reduce your chance of having to go thru expensive and painful bunion surgery.

~~ 5 minutes a day will give you a prettier and healthier pair of foot!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Vote For P-Latte

Hi friends,

If you like my blog, pls vote for me by clicking the voting button on the top left corner (which look like this: Top Blogs)

This will help promote my blog! Thanks for your support!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Learn to TEACH Pilates

I am sure many Pilates lovers wish to become an instructor, so let me share with you my certification story.

I stumbled upon an Australian based Pilates certification through a like-minded friend. We each paid S$1100 and completed the 6-day Level One course. I passed my theory and practical exam and was offered an apprenticeship. But before I could complete the 100 hours training, the studio that hosted the course closed down. Unless I go to Australia, I would have no access to complete the level 2 & 3 locally (obviously it was not an option to me!). Thus my time and money spent in this cert was quite badly invested as I needed to get another cert and start from scratch!

So, don't repeat my mistake to rush into any certification. Do some research and plan properly. Read on.

The Focus Pilates website says:

"...To train in Pilates is an arduous (and expensive) journey with no short cuts...Pilates is a highly integrated and scientific movement system. Learning to be an instructor is more like taking a Diploma or Degree than just an instructor certification."

TOTALLY. I personally feel that learning to be a Pilates instructor is far more difficult than getting my Master degree in Sports and Exercise studies. Not only it is just as expensive, it requires many hours of reading, practicing, thinking, observatory & assistant teaching, trainee teaching and passing a stringent practical and theory exam before you can ever proudly proclaimed yourself a certified Pilates Instructor. More importantly, the road of learning in Pilates never ends, you will have to keep yourself abreast with movement science by even more reading, attending continual education workshops and conferences.

There are 'over-the-weekend' crash courses on Pilates instruction, but they are really meant for those who just want to get a paper to smoke by, and hack-care about learning the real knowledge. A serious and dedicated Pilates certification system is essential to make you a qualified and internationally recognised instructor.

First thing on your road to be certified is to be mentally prepared to dedicate a LOT of time to it. It can take year (or years) to get the certification. If you do have the determination, scout for a certification body that provides local training course and apprenticeship/mentoring programme. It is important to ensure this certification body is recognised by the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA), an international not for profit professional association for the Pilates method, which specify the internation standards for certification.

To my limited knowledge, there are few certification courses available in Singapore (you might be able to find more on Google), they are:

Besides checking if they are recognised by the PMA, consider if you are comfortable with the principles and style it offers. Like myself, I eventually found another certification available locally. This time round I was more aware of what was required in the certification process. I made sure there was opportunity to progress in my learning (ie, the host studio wouldn't close down suddenly!) and there are reasonably sufficient trainee hours that match my work schedule. I also found out that this cert advocates evolved Pilates, which applied physical and medical exercise therapy and science into classical Pilates exercises and philosophy. So this very scientific cert is a perfect match for a science geek like me.

Again quoted from Focus' website:

"Please don’t rush your decision to go into Pilates certification. Do some classes as a participant, meet different instructors from different schools of Pilates and see what suits you best. You’ll spend a lot of time with these instructors learning from them and their peers. Pilates is a way of life through exercise and you evolve with it so ensure it’s something you are comfortable with."