Thursday, May 08, 2008

Pilates make me TALLER

Back in JC I was measured 163cm tall. I had always wished that I was 2 cm taller, as that would help de-classify me from the overweight category.

Unfortunately, no matter how straight I stood in front of the wall scale, I was at best 163.3 cm. I could only look at other girls and envy their tall and slender figure.

But few years ago, at age 26, I "grew" to 165 cm.

I was sure I had way passed my puberty. So after eliminating any other ridiculous but possible factors, I think my height increment came from Pilates.

As we grow older, our body is subconsciously tensed up by life's worries and concerns. As we spend time hunched over the study table, the computer or the steering wheel, the back muscles become stretched and weak, the shoulders and chest muscles tighten up; and the neck stiffen. All these muscle tension compress the spine.

By practicing Pilates, postural/ core muscles are strengthen to counter these effects. Over time, the chest and shoulders open up, while the back muscles are strengthen to give a more erect posture (so that the erector spinae muslces are finally strong enough to do what they are supposed to do: erect up the spine!) So the crown of the head is extended upward, lengthening the back of the neck. And voila, a lengthened spine = taller appearance.

However, this "taller appearance" is only temporary. If you stop Pilates and "re-install" all the bad postures, muscle tension will compress u once again. So do pilates regularly to make sure you have strong and balanced muscles in the body to counter all the compressing effects that shrink u up!

*Note: At two separate measurements over past two weeks in two different gynae clinics, I was measured 167.5 cm tall!! OMG, I have just "grew" another inch...i better keep it up...heehee...

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