Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Rethink Your Drink"

Recently there is a photo going around the internet and it arrived on my Facebook wall:

I would love to give credit to the creator of this picture if I know him/her.

This is a brilliant way to get a clear idea how much sugar is in the crappy drinks! They should really have shown the sugar content in Ribenna and the Vitamin Water!

For teachers and parents, this is a great activity idea. These are what you will need to prepare:
- kitchen scale
- clear plastic bags
- teaspoons (1 teaspoon = 4 grams)
- huge tub of white sugar

As your children to name one of their favourite drink, get them to read the nutrition table on the packaging and weigh out the amount of sugar contained in the drink into the clear plastic bag. Get them to compare the sugar among their drinks.

You can also check this site out for a list of sugar content in the common drinks in Singapore.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing. very informative.